Mar 20, 2024, 16:00 IST

For actress Yashashri Masurkar, happiness is all about the small things in life.

For actress Yashashri Masurkar, happiness is all about the small things in life.

Yashashri Masurkar: I don’t need much to be happy

For actress Yashashri Masurkar, happiness is all about the small things in life. She says that she tries to find joy in everything that she does. “I don’t need much to be happy! I have learnt to see joy in the simplest things in life, so a wild flower on the side of road or the innocent smile of a small child is enough to find happiness,” she says.
Talking about how her happiness depends on her career as well, she says, “Well, yes, some of it depends on my career of course! My career is my passion. If I don’t get to play the kind of parts I want to, or sometimes I don’t get scenes that are challenging or satisfying; can be quite disappointing.” 

She adds, “When you find happiness in small moments, its easy and no-one feels happy all the time. We are humans, we go through many emotions but your entire outlook towards life has to be happy.”

Talking about a recent event that made her very happy, she says, “Recently, the cat on our set died and I found out 2-3 days later that she was pregnant and had given birth to kittens. So, all of us on set tried to search for the babies and we found them. I was so happy, that I cried! But the babies didn’t survive and I was sad. But the important part was that we tried to save them, and that gives me joy.”

She adds, “Other things that make me happy instantly are like watching a good film, captivating a good moment on camera, favourite songs, chocolates and chai!”