May 4, 2024, 17:51 IST

Let’s keep laughing: Celebrities on World Laughter Day

Let’s keep laughing: Celebrities on World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day is observed every year on the first Sunday of May, and this year it will be celebrated on May 5. Laughter brings people together. A good laugh is the best cure for a rough day. But is it just limited to that? Laughter also increases the intake of oxygen in our body, and forces the stale air out of the body, and it also enhances the endorphins released to the brain.
Gulfam Khan Hussain:
We often hear "Laughter is the best medicine" indeed, nothing lifts up the mood like a good laugh. I laugh a lot and so does Ali, we are the clowns of the group. We laugh a lot, whether it is on a joke or a smart quip. We believe the curve of a smile sets all things straight.

Varsha Hegde:
I am the most crazy person. I just keep roasting people, which I love doing in a very good way. I never try to hurt anybody. I just enter a place and I make people laugh with my sense of humor and the way I act. I just want people around me to laugh. That is the reason I used to be a Zumba instructor, which is to share smiles, make people laugh and happy, and I actually radiate laughter around me and for myself. I love laughing because it makes you feel better, makes you feel lighter, makes you forget your stress, and also makes you feel mentally healthy. So we all should laugh at least 15 minutes a day.

 Deepali Pansare:
I laugh a lot even at silly things on a bad day, and I laugh all day. I somehow feel if you are feeling low and even if you just put a fake smile for a minute it will uplift your mood. I make sure if someone isn’t feeling okay, I make them laugh.

Shubhnagi Atre:
I've got a confession to make - I have a bit of a giggling problem. It's been with me since I was young, and my daughter, Ashi, has inherited the same quirk. But it just means we're best buds with an unbreakable bond! I may be a strict mom, but I also know how to bring laughs. One time, Ashi had a school assignment due the next day, but she hadn't finished it yet. I was a little taken aback, but then I realized - she was pulling a prank on me! I was on her case, giving her the "importance of time" talk, and suddenly she started smiling and laughing. That incident taught me that humour can be an amazing tool for parenting. It can diffuse tense situations and make even the grumpiest person smile. So let's keep laughing, my friends! Happy World Laughter Day, everyone! Laughter is the best medicine and a great way to bond with your loved ones. Humesha Haste Rahiye Aur Hasate Rahiye!

Ankit Bathla:
Laughter I don't know, but a smile definitely brings people together, and for me, laughter comes from within, so if you are happy getting up in the morning and being alive, as Sadhguru says, that's enough to laugh, smile, and celebrate life.

Namita Lal:
Oh, I love laughing. And I just wish I could laugh a lot more than I do. And everybody, every time everybody, like you, reminded me of the world's laughter day. And I'm thinking, why don't I laugh a lot more? I wish I could laugh a lot more. And I wish I would laugh a lot more. And seriously, when I'm with my friends, I've got some amazing friends and an amazing family. And we laugh a lot when we are together. It's just that we are not together that much because everybody is so busy these days. But I just love laughing, and I have a very hearty laugh, and I have a very hearty laugh, and get cramps when I laugh. And I just think that it's so, so important.
Laughing, along with the singing and dancing are my favorite pastimes.